B Soc Sc (nursing) UOVS Advanced: Wound Care
Sister Adri was born on the beautiful “platteland” of the North East Free Sate in the small town Heilbron. After matriculating she obtained her nursing degree at the late University of the Orange Free State (Kovsies). She also obtained a postgraduate diploma in Wound Care at the same university.
She obtained extensive nursing and management experience working in various hospitals as well as a senior staff member in several old age homes.
Caring for people in general, and her patients in particular, is her life’s calling.
In 2022 she was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer but after extensive treatment and surgery, by the grace of God, fully recovered. (Phil 4: 13-14)
Adri is happily married to Henry and has 3 beautiful daughters.
What a privilege to have Sr Adri as part of the RUACH team!